Intuition #2: NeuroPak

"Waaa, can't wait for my PianoMaster SUedition NeuroPak to arrive"

Encore une "unboxing video" sur YouTube. Comme les 21 600 000 précédentes, un consommateur enthousiaste nous fait partager son excitation post-achat en se filmant en train d'ouvrir le colis qu'il viens de recevoir par UPS.
8464 vues, pour une vidéo de moins d'une semaine... ça n'en fait pas un phénomène viral mais surement une sorte de célébrité dans le petit monde des hobbyistes et autres fans de "NeuroPak"...
Mike_71alt  est apparemment dans sa chambre, où il a installer un bureau, plus qu'en bordel. Il a fait de la place, géré l'éclairage et monté sa caméra sur un pied de manière à se qu'on ne voit que ses bras comme s'ils étaient les nôtres. Un ordinateur portable, un grand écran en arrière plan, une sorte de casque audio style gamer et une boite grise, d'une jolie texture unicolore faites de mate et de brillant. A peu près la taille d'une boite de mouchoirs. ...lire la suite 

La voix de Mike est celle d'un adulte mais, peut être est ce l'excitation, plutôt aigue. Son accent ne laisse pas de doute sur le fait qu'il est américain et sa courtoisie comme sa maitrise de l'anglais révèlent un bon niveau d'éducation. Pas un professeur d'université ou un médecin mais peut être un ingénieur ou un technicien de quelque chose.
" Hi guys, this is Mike and today I'm going to show you the unpacking of the brand new PianoMaster SUedition I just received, it's a very big ...uh, I'm very excited, and I wish I can get it up and running right in front of you. But first, a little recap, as I'm sure a lot of you guys now, the NeuroPak PianoMaster SUedition is the first, shall I say, "foray" of NeuroPak into the music playing, like..., market. It as been a lot of buzz and talks, specially on the forums, and you could only get to the pre-order section of there page if you had an invitation. Well, luckily, since I'm already a NeuroPak customer and I happen to be in contact with Mark at, I got the invite. I know they say they will release the PianoMaster regular edition before Xmas, but NeuroPak has not always been on point with their release dates ...which each a good thing, don't get me wrong, I mean neuropacs are not things you'd like them to be messing around with. But anyway, here we are, the PianoMaster SXedition is ready, is even in front of me and I'm totally excited. (did I say that already ?)
First of all, this is not cheap. I mean, like, not chip at all ! We know SUeditions always require a premium for both the SU support and the premier time advantage but man, 5 grand for an upgrade that is not going to give you any professional advantage, something purely, say, recreational, ... that is a lot of money. But anyway, that is something I've been dreaming on for about... like all my life, so fuck it"
A ce moment je m'demande pourquoi mon pote ma passer ce lien. Suis loin d'avoir 5000 $ à dépenser. M'enfin bon, le gars continu sans moi et je refocus sur ce qu'il raconte, là devant sa boite grise. Il la tripote, la tourne pour en montrer tous les cotés.
"...a 3 month process, where you first have to fill your profile, details etc... then you schedule for the actual appointment, at Neuro Corp or in one of the two centers they have, I think one in L.A and, the one I have been to, that is on the Pittsburgh medical campus. As I was already a customer, I didn't have to do the full exam again, but I had to fill a lot of forms etc etc... like always.
Anyway ! everything went ok and here I am with my brand new kit. I also bought this little beauty" le gars deplace la boite grise et pose un genre de petit synthé sur son bureau.
 "microkooooorg ! yes baby, I got that on eBay for a little more than 200 bucks, they say it works like new, I cannot really tell except that is does makes some sound..."
les mains de Mike s'affairent sur l'appareil. Branchements de plusieur cables...
"when it is pluged right."
L'appareil s'allume et un son plutot vintage sort des speaker quand Mike appuie sur quelques touches. Puis Mike éteind l'appareil et le pousse pour remettre la boite grise au centre de l'image
"So here we are, fully ready. Now let's check this PianoMaster SUedition package I have in front of me. As you can see, I don't know if some of you have already seen or used a NeuroPac package before, but this one doesn't have the bleu stripe on the left side, and that's because this package is NOT, I repeat "NOT", a professional upgrade. They made this very clear on there page, and then repeated it, like, 5 times along the purchase hmm ... process. So you won't be able to make a living out of this upgrade, at least not straight out of the "box" ...shall I say. Let's first remove the film that's wrapping the box, like this... "
Mike re-ajuste le zoom de la camera pour bien centre sur la boite, puis ouvre doucement la boite.
" So what do we have hear ? nice ! I like the red colour of the inside. So here we are"
Dans la boite qui s'est ouverte comme une sorte de coquillage géométrique, une autre boite gris clair, un peu comme un disque dur, est posée sur quelques chose qui ressemble à du velour bordeau. Genre écrain. Les doigts de Mike font basculer l'objet qui pivote à l'interieur de sa boite  pour prendre une position presque verticale.
"Nice !  you see ? I just pushed a little bit here and "voilà". Plus it opens the other compartement."
Mike retourne la boite et on voit en effet un petit compartiement contenant un petit cable qu'il sort de la boite et un petit livret, rouge et gris lui aussi. Bizzarement, le gars ne sort pas l'espece de disque dur de sa boite, mais fait tourner l'ensemble de manière à ce qu'on la l'ensemble sous tous les angles.
"Now as you see, you can't get the unit out of the box. It's whole, like, one thing. So all I have to do is , I guess.. yes ...slide open this little panel here... like so, and plug my NeuroPac Headset like this.
... and that it !
One important thing, the unit won't work with an headset that is not yours. That is to prevent, you know... messing around. And I guess safety too"
La petit boite est soudainement cerclée d'une lumière neon et le cable de l'espece de casque audio est lui aussi illuminé.
"...So now I am not going to show you the whole HUG process, it's boring, there is not much to see and, to answer "nicoZell" who commented on my last video that "it wouldn't cost anything", yes it would, it would take time and disk space and upload time, just to see my face REMS... totally not worth it guys ! What is worth it is following the HUG requirements, make space, make time... basically turn everything else off and so and so. And that is what I am going to do right now.
So now I'm gonna go, and I get back in an our or so"
La video coupe avec une jooooolie transition "diagonal  - box out" de chez Windows Movie Maker,
sur l'image qui suit la boite et le casque ont legèrement changé de place mais surtout la lumière néon du cable et de la boite est devenu rouge...
"nothing to declare officer ! well except I'm totally loaaaded ...eheh. Well actually no. I just like... it took about 20 minutes for the HUG itself then you have to kind of rest for a half hour or so. Might be because it is not my first time but it didn't even feel weird. This same buzzing sounds. Not really nice but not painful either. But anyway here we are"
Mike déconnecte l'appareil et la lumiere s'éteind, il pousse la boite grise pour faire place au synthé qu'il positionne au centre du bureau. Il l'allume. Un silence.
Il souffle "...Ffff... that's it guys, let's see what's coming out of this"
Il positionne ses doigts sur le clavier et ses mains commence la Nocturne en mi bémol majeur, opus 9/2 de Chopin 

" HAHAHAHAHA ! never touched a piano in my liiife ! that sooooo awesome ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Waoo listen to that ! Hahahahaha ! That's soooo funny hahahah I mean yeah ahahahah By the way, I never even heard that track before, it's like, now I know but I never listened to classic AHAHahahah oh my...  That Neuro upgrade shit really rocks ahahahah..."


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